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for the sheep!

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April 03, 2015


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Helene Levenson

Thank you for your very wise reply. I doubt if more than a very, very few shepherds intentionally inflict harm on their sheep (who are, after all, their livelihood, and mistreated animals are not as productive/profitable), if only because of the profit motive, and because most people are raised by their parents *not* to be cruel and abusive. I would much rather wear wool - a sustainable, flame-retardant, breathable fiber - than a petrochemical garment. Also, perhaps the writer/PETA are not aware of the heavy amount of chemicals (petrochemicals, at that!) used to fertilise/prevent disease and weeds in cotton raising (some of which are harmful to wildlife)? Or the quantities of bleach (not precisely a mild chemical!) used to whiten cotton fibers to a snowy state?


Thank you for your clarifications of the differences between industrial and family shepherding. I fret over shearing my sheep and try and make it as painless as possible.

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