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June 23, 2014


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How frustrating! We have also been having some fairly massive computer problems (though different) and it was somewhat comforting to read that it's not just us. I hope you get everything straightened out ASAP!

Helene Levenson

You have my sympathies. (I have just been fighting with Google+, WordPress, and Facebook merely to post a comment.) My MacBook isn't logging into Safari, and that is an Apple product!

Breathe deeply. Have a nice hot cup of tea with wildflower honey. Think sheepy thoughts. You will feel better.

Virginia McKenna

I can't even begin to imagine how frustrating this must be especially with the work you do. I can only hope it gets resolved sooner rather than later. I just wish I had a magic spindle to spin round and fix that computer.

Caroline F

Wow, and people complain about Windows. Seriously, I have never heard of anybody having as many serious laptop problems as the Mac users I know. I can't believe that by now they just haven't given you a new one....

Joanne Seiff

Oy! I had been wondering how you were...and now I see why I had been feeling irrationally concerned. :) so, please accept my good hopes for a fast and effective fix in the computer department. About all this, all I can say is thank goodness for knitting and spinning, without which, one might blow a gasket or two.

On that note, I just put out a pattern on Rav, edited by Donna, that might be just right for using up relatively small bits of yarn (a skein or two) in lace to dk weight. It's called Sumpin and it might be good for using up sample yarn, if it is fine enough to wear at the neck. Just a thought, since i know you spend a lot of time exploring yarn and fiber one skein at a time. If you want a copy, let me know and I'll give you a present. It is the least I can do.

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