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Deb Robson and Tussah

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« Scottish vocabulary lesson: dreich, drookit | Main | Stones and vestiges »

October 08, 2013


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I had meant to ask you if you had met Ros! She used to live in Hebden Bridge, on a narrow boat. She took tapestry classes with Sue Lawty at the same time as I did, but she took it and ran a very long way with it......we have a little piece that she did of Hebden roofs and chimneys. I love the textile world and it's connecting threads!


Love the textiles in the gallery! It would be great to see them up close -- lucky you! Carry on... it all sounds wonderful!


Such familiar places, though I haven't seen the Old Man for a while - we usually take the Pentalina crossing to the Hope. That bookshop is fabulous - I always get a few lovely books there.

Kathryn | Alpacamundo

"An excellent day becomes perfect when it includes a superb dog." :-)

Kat LeFevre

I am so envious, Deb! I have a "Sigurd the Mighty" in my Malcom III lineage and would so love to go to Orkney to research that part of me. :)
Have fun and keep dry! I am loving your sharing your trip with those of us not lucky enough to be there!
Hugs, Kathy & the Sheep Thrills Mob!


I can hardly wait for the lecture presentation when you finally get home--Avenir, mayhap? Your posts rejuvenate me from there to here.
So very glad you have found a series of excellent dogs to cheer your way. The A-team says WOOF!

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