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Deb Robson and Tussah

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for the sheep!

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« For Richard, from Santa Fe: rocks on the move | Main | Certificate of excellence, part 1 »

March 30, 2011


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Thanks so much for the "tour" - love the textiles and the setting!

Penny Tschantz

I'm so glad you made up your mind to go, Deb! And relieved that you found the exhibit worth the trip. Even though my experience of the weavings was far less educated than yours, I was deeply affected by it. I think what I most clearly felt (and still feel) was the way the weavings seem to reflect the landscape where they were created (including the sheep, their history, and the Navajo sense of sacred places). I loved it and am happy that you did, too.


Deborah Robson

Joy, you're most welcome for the tour. If (or when) you have a chance to see Two Grey Hills/Toadlena weaving, don't hesitate!

Penny, I am incredibly grateful for your tip. I have even more to say about what I saw and felt, and will be working to find time to write up a longer piece.

It was also a pleasure, since I was there so long, to hear the discussions between the docent on duty and the more casual visitors, some of whom were there just because they'd planned a skiing trip but there wasn't any snow. EVERYONE was blown away. The docents/hosts did help, by providing an optional introduction to the exhibit which almost all of the visitors said yes to.

One of the founders of the Wheelwright Museum was Hastiin Klah, himself an exceptional weaver who specialized in representations of sand paintings (altered to record the basics without violating the essence). He was from the Two Grey Hills area. http://www.wheelwright.org/about.html

There is also an exhibit at the museum of a contemporary artist who works in jewelry; her name is Liz Wallace, and she is making amazing pieces--what's on the website only suggests the unique beauty of her work.

Yeah, Penny, it was absolutely fantastic. No relief required: I took the risk of going, and since I had seen work by these weavers before, I knew I wouldn't be disappointed, even if what I saw was what I'd seen before. Disappointment was not an option. Once I was en route, the outcome was assured. I just didn't have a clue how MUCH wonder I would experience.

Susan J. Tweit

I'm so glad it worked out for you to make the trip! I have the sense that the inspiration will feed into some project along the way. And I'm glad we could help out with the Sage Inn coupon and the cottage. Hope the shoveling of projects is going well...

Deb Robson

The trip is already feeding some projects, Susan. Thanks so much. The only hard part about the cottage was leaving! I would have been so productive there. But if I had stayed longer I would have needed a backhoe to move the work at home, rather than a big shovel.


Sometimes a trip does more than one expects-it offers renewed energy, inspiration, and joy. It sounds like this is exactly what you experienced in Santa Fe...I'm so glad you went! It's hard NOT to be inspired by the amazing skills of the Dine (accent missing there)/Navajo weavings...truly amazing.

Am having a "lucky" day here--I've received two packages by post that I thought were lost forever, and your post was like a third present. Thank you.

Deborah Robson

Joanne, glad to share some vicarious travel with you right now. And that you had a "lucky" day with good arrivals of packages!


Sounds like a wonderfully restorative journey. Had an opportunity to see a press proof of The Project. Speechless.

Deb Robson

Ooh, Leslie, glad you got to see a proof! If that was the version I think it was, its gotten even better {grin}. Yes, it was FANTASTIC to go see the weavings.

Penny Tschantz

Deb, I got out "Dreaming of Sheep" to look through again, and my notes directed me to a specific discussion of the history of the Navajo Churro breed beginning at the bottom of page 191. I first read the book for a course on Navajo history and culture that I was teaching, and in my memory it contained more about the actual sheep than it probably does. I hope you're not disappointed. I still think it's an excellent book.


Deb Robson

Not a problem, Penny, if there is only a small amount about the sheep. Im always interested in the cultural and environmental contexts as well. If a book even ACKNOWLEDGES that there are sheep and theyre important, its a big plus! Um, Ive even tried to learn to speak Navajo. It went well enough that I was able to say thank you and get a burst of Navajo back that I couldnt understand (but was pleased at my attempt, as was the person I said thanks to). Would love to have an excuse and opportunity to learn enough to comprehend more. That may or may not ever happen. Anyway, Im not just interested in the wool. . . .


You sent me on a journey back in time, and a vague remembrance, of something my mom mentioned as a sign:

Monday thru Saturday, 8 am-6pm or by appointment. If the store is closed, rug buyers should drive to the rear and honk persistently.

One of her students parents wasn't a buyer, but a weaver, and did the same thing....now I have to plan a journey, to refresh and rejuvenate...thank you!

Deb Robson

Yes, I love the honk persistently message. Its definitely there--on the web page as well as the building! At Two Grey Hills (rather than Toadlena) trading post.

Kristi aka FiberFool

I'm so glad you took the time to visit that show. You deserved a little trip to recharge! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Deborah Robson

Thanks, Kristi. You've watched what I've been up to that might have led to a need to recharge! It was a delight.

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