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Deb Robson and Tussah

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« Blog Action Day: Water | Main | It's time to write some captions »

October 18, 2010


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I like "schedule bashing crowbar."

And if you figure out hte time thing PLEASE share!


I'm really excited for you in terms of all the new teaching/dvd opportunities this wool project may inspire. That is great news!

Love the swatches, too, makes me want to reach through the monitor to touch them...

About the time thing, I have discovered recently that time seems to be very flexible when it has to be. I mean, I got an insane amount done over the summer. Right now? Not so much. I still don't quite know where the days are going...but it's nice to know I could pack them full of activities when I had to. Good luck on stretching out the days!


Extra hours are easy to add to your day, but it has the unfortunate side effect of leaving you with fewer days in the month ...


I am very much looking forward to this book. I like trying to spin different breeds -- and information like this will be invaluable!

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