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Deb Robson and Tussah

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« Photo shoot post 1: getting started | Main | Photo shoot post 3: backgrounds »

September 15, 2010


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That is amazing. Also, after this week of saying I hate computers everyday I am thinking I'd better be nice...trojan viruses on both of mine:-(

C. Bouzide

Wow... what a wool ballet!
Very cool to read about.

Kris Paige

Waltzing wools and the glories that are Mac. You can now take over the world!

Cat Bordhi

So very very impressive. Can't wait to see the final result someday. Hope you all get some rest!

Deborah Robson

Beth, I hope you get your computers cleaned up and reclaimed soon.

I love that image of a wool ballet, Cathy!

Kris, I'd noticed that there are a whole lot of Macs in (and out of) those pictures. . . .

And Cat, I can't wait to see the final result, either. I've seen preliminaries, of course, and they're delicious enough to fuel more of this intense type of work.


Wow. This is so different than the photos for either of my two books. I'd say that for Fiber Gathering, we were "amateurs" but that isn't true--we'd just never done a book before. However, for Knit Green I participated in the photo shoots for the projects..and it wasn't at all like this! Process for these things is so interesting and different. Loved learning and reading about another way...

Kristi aka FiberFool

Wow. That was very interesting. I had some idea of how it worked after taking the lighting class with Joe Cocoa, but without editors and stylists etc. there I didn't get the full impact :-) I love seeing the foam core - that is my latest best friend. I use it pretty much daily!

Deborah Robson

I've been doing photoshoots for more than 25 years, which is part of what makes it okay for me to be there--! This is an unusual shoot in that everything is very *precise* and the layout is being done in advance. It's an astonishing amount of work that way, but it makes for book design possibilities that are over the moon beautiful.

I've mostly worked with Joe Coca, and SOOOO much wanted to be working with him on this book. But Storey decided they needed to use a photographer within driving distance of their offices. Fortunately, John is fantastic. I am much relieved.

Kristi, the foam core is set up so we can swing it out of the way when we are prepping shots and easily put it back in position when it's camera time.

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