I'm a writer, knitter, freelance editor, and independent publisher. This blog is an older one that I no longer update; please visit http://independentstitch.com for all updated information!

Deb Robson and Tussah

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« NaNoWriMo progress report | Main | Back to press, back to press, and (soon) back to press, plus some reading and a bit of knitting »

December 07, 2007


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Wow, you've got so very much going on! I hope you are counting my book and its slow progress towards completion as one of your successful coaching experiences. You've been an absolutely wonderful and supportive part of this for me, and I'm so grateful for it!

Deborah Robson

Oh, good! I'll add yours to the mix. I am really looking forward to seeing what you are doing, having watched it "hatching."

I did forget two other books that I may be writing--nonfiction.


I would buy any/all of the books mentioned as possible projects by the owner of this blog.

Also, you must realllly like your acupuncturist!

Susan Gallacher-Turner

too bad about all the mechanical problems...you sound busy in spite of it...love the snowy pics and knitted swatchs...makes me wish i could crochet or knit, but broke my wrist so i think i have to wait for a while unless someone has a tip or two for one handed knitting.


I feel I'm getting tired just by reading what you do. Lovely snow pictures.


Wow! And I thought I was busy. I used to waste my time trying to fit into a style, when my style of getting things done is to work within a schedule and within my time and energy limits. So I keep a lot going at the same time as well. Thanks for the reminder that I'm not altogether "cuckoo."

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