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Deb Robson and Tussah

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« I'll steek that! : Norsk Strikkedesign progress | Main | Two for two: ForeWord Book of the Year Award finalists »

February 27, 2007


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Donna Druchunas

Gorgeous. Well worth a year of work! I love the way the shoulders match up. Did you sew it with 2 different colors, so each stitch would be the color to match the pattern?


Whoa. This is an education in steeks. I've only ever tried it once, and not with tight knitted wool, so it wasn't a huge success. Your photos, descriptions, and amazing sweater really help me believe I can do this...someday. (maybe not yet?)

Instead, I am working on a sweater that will have a 54 inch chest. XL, Extra-Tall, in Men's wear speak. It's an endurance test!


It is beautiful. Congrats on the "seamless" solution to the shoulder patterning. Looks great.

Deborah Robson

Donna: Yes, I did the three-needle bind-off at the shoulder and bound off with colors that followed the established pattern. If the front and back stitches were different colors (this happened toward the outer shoulder), I used the color of the front stitch.

Joanne: I hope the knitting is interesting! That's a lot of it!

And Lynn: Thanks! Often when I paint myself into a corner I find my escape route to be the most interesting part of the project {grin}.

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