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« Free Priscilla Gibson-Roberts sock pattern | Main | Snip! Norsk Strikkedesign progress! »

February 26, 2007


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Carrie K

Oh, that sweater looks so fabulous!

That handedness has been talked about lately - naturally I'd never noticed it before, but it's so very, very true. It's great to see it so beautifully illustrated. I've been incorporating that into my Norwegian Vest.


Wow. It looks great. Two rows a day makes a sweater.

I love "next" and "soon." I need to learn that. I keep setting deadlines for myself and then announcing them to others, as if announcing could make work happen while I sleep. I have two patterns still almost borne forth but not quite. Soon.


You'll be wearing that to the CAL luncheon tomorrow, right?


I've missed you! Glad to see you blogging again and what fabulous progress on your sweater. It's a stunner. I too need to knit the "pattern" yarn in my right hand..but since I transfer my stitches from the right needle to the left, it may mean something different for me than for you. That's why it is so important, as you mention, to know one's individual knitting quirks!

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