January got away from me, but I seem to be making up for the lack of posts now during February.
Today we settled on the cover for the Nomad Press title for Fall 2007, Ethnic Knitting: Discovery, by Donna Druchunas. It's scheduled for an October release.
This is a big deal.
Suddenly what we have been working on feels like it might be real. In the near future. Although there's still a lot of work to do (like all of the final illustrations, the final layout, and a gazillion other details).
But we have a cover design: that's like suddenly catching an updraft under our wings.
Hurry Fall, this looks absolutely wonderful!
Posted by: Judy P | February 08, 2007 at 11:34 AM
I'm definitely in line to buy this one! With a maiden name of Troldahl, anything Norwegian is twice-tempting!
Posted by: LynnH | February 08, 2007 at 08:40 PM
Since I have come across some other Alaskan Knitters, I thought I would start an Alaskan Knitters Blog Ring on ringsurf. That way we can all stay connected globally. I grew up for 22 years in Alaska, but currently live in South Carolina. Please feel free to join, and invite anyone else you know.
Posted by: Yarngineer | February 09, 2007 at 05:38 PM
I can't wait for this book to come out. Just the sweaters on the cover is a feast for the eyes...and the soul :)!
Posted by: Susanne | February 10, 2007 at 08:24 AM