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Deb Robson and Tussah

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« Caps to the Capital: Streamlined labeling | Main | Titles! »

December 06, 2006


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Donna Druchunas

Hi Deb, what are the requirements? Any specific type of yarn or pattern required? Are they looking for newborn or premie sizes?

I'm sure I could wip up one cap over the weekend.

Deborah Robson

Hi, Donna:

The basics can be found with a search on Caps to the Capital. They are looking for smaller-than-average sizes, because many of the babies are low birthweight, although not necessarily premies.

Any soft yarn. I used knitting worsted on U.S. size 5 needles (you'd be on a 5, too, because we both knit loosely; most of the world would be on 7s). I worked in the round.

Here's the Robson-autopilot version of one of the patterns in the Save the Children action kit.

Cast on 44 sts, rib for 1.5 inches, then work stockinette until the whole is 5 inches from the start. Dec round: k 2, k2tog around. Knit a plain round. *Dec round: k1, k2tog around. Knit a plain round.* Repeat from * to * once. Dec round: k2tog around. Break off and pull the yarn through the remaining sts, probably about 7 or 8, and secure the end.

If the stitch counts on the dec rounds don't work out quite right, work an extra k2tog at the end of the round if you feel like it. It's a little random. I also made some random stripes and other amusement on some of the caps.

That's it!


Count me in for about a dozen.

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